Sunday 11 July 2010

Moustache Day

In honor of our trip leader Gabe's birthday (he has a sweet moustache), we all painted on our own moustaches.  I kept forgetting it was there as I carried on normal conversations with strangers at gas stations.  I was wondering why people were staring...

Saturday 10 July 2010

Mississippi River

Crossed the Mississippi into Iowa today.  Long ride at almost 100 miles...


Spent the day off in Chicago a few days ago

Saturday 3 July 2010

We had a build day today in Dayton.  We worked a Habitat house and hung drywall.

We had a build day today in Dayton.  We worked a Habitat house and hung drywall.

Friday 2 July 2010

93 miles to Dayton

93 miles and feeling fine. Dayton is sweet. Going to a folk music festival here tonight. Party time. I think we deserve it

Thursday 1 July 2010


Sorry for the lack of blog posts.  The picture here is from dinner tonight.  We had a BBQ beside this lake.  It was delicious and so relaxing.

I'm finally getting in to the swing of things on the trip.  We've made it about 900 miles already and I'm currently in Columbus, OH.  Tomorrow is a long day: 5 AM wakeup and a 97 mile ride. I'm a little nervous! The most we've done so far is 85.  But Ohio is flat so that makes things easier.

You can look at the pictures I've taken so far right here:

Thanks for the support everyone!


Monday 19 April 2010

20 mile ride

Went for a 20 mile ride today along the Trinity Trails. They finally fixed the University Dr. underpass so I could ride east on the trails towards downtown.  I love that section of the trail.

On another note, I have only about $350 left to raise until I reach my goal!  I'm pretty excited about that.  Thanks to everyone who has donated!

Monday 29 March 2010

Trinity Trails

Went for a 13 mile ride today along the Trinity River.   The 75 degree weather was perfect.  My only complaint would be the dozens of gnats I inhaled along the way haha...

Sunday 28 February 2010

The Cowtown

I finished the Cowtown Marathon yesterday!  26.2 miles!

The whole experience was incredible.  I had friends cheering me on the whole way.  The highlight was running through TCU's campus at mile 20 and seeing about twenty of my friends chanting my name.  The support I felt from friends along the course was incredible and I can't thank them enough.

I knew the race was going to be tough but I still underestimated how difficult the last 6 miles would be. Everyone always says that the first half of a marathon is miles 1-19 and the last half is miles 20-26.  Now I know what they mean.  I really hit a wall at about mile 21.  I pulled a muscle in my thigh and my legs felt like jello.  I had to walk a little bit on the last 5 miles but I finished and that's all that really matters!  I ran the last couple miles with this couple that had to be about 70 years old.  They were a huge inspiration at the end.  Really nice people.

The entire experience was incredible and I can't wait to run another.  But for now, I'm looking forward to the switch to the bike so I can get ready for this summer.

Monday 15 February 2010


Ran TWENTY MILES today!  Only 12 more days until The Cowtown Marathon.  Now I get to rest and recover for the next two weeks so I'm ready for the race with fresh legs.  Can't wait!

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Bike came in today

My bike came in today.  It was surprisingly easy to assemble.  I went for a quick ride before I had to go to work.  I'm used to riding mountain bikes so it's definitely a different feel but it's an awesome bike and I can't wait to break it in!

Sunday 31 January 2010


Ran 13.1 miles today.  It was the best I've ever felt running that distance.  I also set a new half marathon PR.  I really built some much needed confidence today.

Monday 25 January 2010

Bike ordered

Just ordered my bike today.  It will probably be a least two weeks before I get it.  My mom always tells my brother and I that delayed gratification is good for us.  I much prefer instant gratification.

I ended up getting a different Bike, so here's the new picture:

I'm going for a 15 mile run today.  I'm excited but also a little nervous because the most I've ever done is 13.  Only one month until the Cowtown marathon...

Monday 18 January 2010

The bike

Here's the bike that will carry me across the nation.  I can't wait to get it.  I get to order it sometime this week.  Not sure how long it will take to have it shipped to me.  I'm gonna have to learn how to ride a bike with cycling shoes that clip in.  I'm looking forward to that challenge...

And so it begins

I just got off the wait list this week for the Providence to Seattle trip.  I'm so excited for the trip and relieved that it's official.  I'm already looking forward to the trip and I have to keep reminding myself to enjoy my final semester of college.  Ok so I'm hasn't been that hard to enjoy the last semester.

I'm actually pretty excited about having a blog for this trip.  I'm not going to have much access to a computer during the trip, but I think I can text in short blog posts from my phone so I'll try to do that.